Thursday, January 27, 2011

Welcome To Khorvaire!

My name is Holly Richardson, the the region I will be focusing on in this blog is the continent of Khorvaire on the planet Eberron.

This planet exists in an imaginary solar system very similar to our own. It is inhabited by various kinds of life forms such as dwarfs, dragons, gnomes, changelings and many humans. Its geographical features are very similar to those found on Earth and are formed through common geological phenomena as well as the effects that powerful magic have taken on the environment. The seasons of Khorvaire are structured similar to that of Earth and are effected by the same astrological phenomena that effect our own. I chose to explore the natural physical geography of Khorvaire because of its creativity, beauty and fantastical setting.

This is the Darguun Region where you can see the Khraal Rain Forest on the coast, as well as the seawall mountains and the sacred Seven Caves at the highest peak of the mountain range